Posts Tagged ‘Inspiration’

Celebrating National Youth Confidence Day

How are you feeling today?


Now, how are the young people around you feeling? Strong, prepared, confident, centered, inspired? Hoping ALL of those are reflective of how the young people in your life are feeling because today is National Youth Confidence Day. (October 20)

Are you parenting, grandparenting, aunt&uncling, teaching, coaching, mentoring, caring in general about kids? This is a day to ramp it up a bit more. Make an extra effort on top of your already Herculean strides to support the success of youth.

Can you do an extra reach out to check in on someone who has been having a rough go of it lately? An action-step email to the group or class to carpe their diems? A simple note or conversation that says, “I see you and I am better for having you in my world”? Just sit quietly next to someone who needs your presence if not your input? You can hold a huge space for another from afar to let them know, in no uncertain terms, that how they are feeling right now is exactly right and OK and, if change is desired, evolve-able.

Acknowledge the heck out of everyone you see today, taking extra care to stoke the coals of youth. It is an investment in the workability of the world for all of us.

Happy National Youth Confidence Day!

How will you celebrate? (I’d love it if you dropped a comment to share ideas).


Ready to make some New Year’s resolutions and kick your world into high gear as we launch into the new decade? There’s so much cynicism and crap on the Internet that it gets exhausting. The spam prescription pill and penile enhancement ads in your in-box are nothing compared to every imaginable combination of words preceded by www.

When a web destination actually feels like a place you’d like to hang out and explore for a bit, I think it is worth pointing out. CThings “is the work of a community of people who contribute news stories about the amazing things people are doing to change the world. From poverty to peace, from space to the environment, from obscure villages to world capitals, the CThings community aggregates stories of real innovation, breakthrough, and the triumph of the human spirit. Contribute. Comment. Connect. Change your whole world view.”

You’ll find news stories and current event updates of the “No Way!” variety as well as some that will make you cry, or get angry, or get motivated, or all of the above. Some will make you proud and some will make you pissed. You’ll find out more about the good work of large corporations as well as the little guys like you and me, doing what we can, being unlikely to settle for the status quo when the status quo means there is unnecessary suffering.

Go tour around a bit, add your two cents, and then close your browser, put on your shoes, and get busy.


Who inspires you?

When was the last time you told them?

Could you call, write, visit, or email them today?


Blog For Change

1129275_17264501I know there are lapses in my intention to blog daily, and there are certainly a zillion other information input sources tap-tap-tapping at your eyes/ears/brain wanting your attention…but my goal is to always inspire a new way to see or interpret the world and your place in it, and encourage you to be active in the role you play.

Of course, you are already a great whirling cloud of inspirations and passions and things that light you up and, at least occasionally, make you jump up out of bed in the morning (maybe not as much on a Monday). If you want to share them, think about the potential of more blogging–the blog you create yourself. A new platform host for free blogs gathers writers of content specifically designed to inspire positive change in the world. Blog4Change

Maybe it is crazy to promote others doing the same thing I’m trying to do…but I don’t think so. I think the more the merrier–and anyplace you can find a spark of inspiration–it is a brilliant thing. And if you can share it with others—that’s what spins the world. SO bookmark me before you go over there via the link above (I’d miss you, you know), and keep looking for bumps of passion in your days. They are always there…just hiding sometimes…frequently quite well hidden on a Monday.