Posts Tagged ‘connection’

Celebrating National Youth Confidence Day

How are you feeling today?


Now, how are the young people around you feeling? Strong, prepared, confident, centered, inspired? Hoping ALL of those are reflective of how the young people in your life are feeling because today is National Youth Confidence Day. (October 20)

Are you parenting, grandparenting, aunt&uncling, teaching, coaching, mentoring, caring in general about kids? This is a day to ramp it up a bit more. Make an extra effort on top of your already Herculean strides to support the success of youth.

Can you do an extra reach out to check in on someone who has been having a rough go of it lately? An action-step email to the group or class to carpe their diems? A simple note or conversation that says, “I see you and I am better for having you in my world”? Just sit quietly next to someone who needs your presence if not your input? You can hold a huge space for another from afar to let them know, in no uncertain terms, that how they are feeling right now is exactly right and OK and, if change is desired, evolve-able.

Acknowledge the heck out of everyone you see today, taking extra care to stoke the coals of youth. It is an investment in the workability of the world for all of us.

Happy National Youth Confidence Day!

How will you celebrate? (I’d love it if you dropped a comment to share ideas).

I Like Laughter

book cover for I Like Giving stories about generosityI love this video, part of the “I LIKE ______” series from the non-profit I LIKE GIVING, working toward a generosity-based world.

It means a whole heckuvalot to shift, to look for opportunities to connect, to give, to reach. It needn’t be dramatic, but it accidentally, perfectly, will feel dramatic in your heart…as it should.

It’s a great time of year to activate shifts like these…a time when I hope your life is filled with both THANKS and GIVING.